Brief comment to STSJ Galicia 677/2019, of may 23, 2019: In- efficacy of testamentary provision in favor of the spouse in case of separation in fact that subsist at the time of the opening of the succession. Some notes comparative to portuguese law


  • Diana Leiras Escola Superior de Gestão do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave


testament, separation, ineffectiveness, reconciliation


In these pages we make a brief comment to the sentence of the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia 677/2019, of may 23, 2019, on the declaration of ineffectiveness of the institution of universal heiress in favor of the wife on the grounds of the de facto separation of the spouses at the time of the opening of the succession without marital reconciliation. This decision dis- missed the appeal, since the introduction of a new question isn`t admissible, but the Court has decided to answer that substantive question, to wich con- sists of whether the ineffectiveness of the testamentary provisions in favor of the spouse operates ope legis, or whether it has, as the applicant claims, to be completed or ratified with the unequivocal will of the deceased to want such ineffectiveness at the time of his death. To better achieve the objective set, we analysed the regime provided for in artigo 208 of Ley 2/2006, of 14 de junio, of Derecho Civil de Galicia, and the effectiveness of the testamentary provisions in favor of the spouse in the case of reestablishment of married life. We present also comparative notes with the regime enshrined in portuguese Law for the parallel situation, which, however, does not cover de facto separation.

Author Biography

  • Diana Leiras, Escola Superior de Gestão do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave

    Doutora em Direito pela Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Docente no Departamento de Direito da Escola Superior de Gestão do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal. [email protected]


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Vol. 1 N.º 2 (1): 2020

How to Cite

Brief comment to STSJ Galicia 677/2019, of may 23, 2019: In- efficacy of testamentary provision in favor of the spouse in case of separation in fact that subsist at the time of the opening of the succession. Some notes comparative to portuguese law. (2021). Revista Ibérica Do Direito, 1(2), 68-79.