Obtaining an enforceable title for uncontested monetary claims: parallels between macedonian and spanish law


  • Tatjana Zoroska Kamilovska Methodius University in Skopje
  • Milka Rakočević Methodius University in Skopje


Macedonian law, monetary claims, spanish law


One of the rather challenging tasks for many policymakers in Europe over the last decades regarding the reforms of the judicial system has been the establishment of efficient procedural instruments for recovery of claims, particularly the uncontested ones. Due to the fact that considerable part of initiated court proceedings in many European countries are not those over a dispute of fact or law, but those where the creditor must address the court in order to obtain an enforceable title against the debtor due to his unwillingness or inability to pay, the need for existence of a quality system of certification3 of uncontested claims is more than obvious.

Biografias do Autor

  • Tatjana Zoroska Kamilovska, Methodius University in Skopje

    Full Professor at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss.Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia.

  • Milka Rakočević, Methodius University in Skopje

    Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss.Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia.


А. Јаневски, Т. Зороска Камиловска, Граѓанско процесно право, книга прва, парнично право [Civil Procedural Law, First Book, Civil Litigation Procedure], Скопје, 2012

A.Uzelac, M. Bratković, Certificiranje nespornih tražbina u domaćem i poredbenom pravu [Certification of Uncontested Claims in National and Comparative Law], Zbornik Aktuelnosti građanskog procesnog prava – nacionalna i uporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća, Split, 2015

Consejo General del Poder Judicial, “La Justicia dato a dato”, Madrid, 2016

S. Triva, M. Dika, Građansko parnično procesno pravo [Civil Litigation Procedural Law], Zagreb, 2004

Galič, Izdavanje platnog naloga i arbitraža [Issuing of a Payment Order and Arbitration], Pravo u gospodarstvu, Vol. 51, br. 6, 2012, str. 1482.

Green Paper on a European Order for Payment Procedure and on Measures to Simplify and Speed up Small Claims Litigation COM (2002) 746 (hereinafter Green Paper).

World Bank, Towards Effective Enforcement of Uncontested Monetary Claims: Lessons from Eastern and Central Europe, June 2017






Vol. 1 N.º 1 (1): 2020

Como Citar

Obtaining an enforceable title for uncontested monetary claims: parallels between macedonian and spanish law. (2021). Revista Ibérica Do Direito, 1(1), 119-132. https://revistaibericadodireito.pt/index.php/capa/article/view/30

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