Labour market crisis and social protection challenges in the new technological era. Special reference to the Spanish case


  • David Montoya Medina Universidad de Alicante


New technologies, Unemployment, Technological disruption, Social protection


This paper focuses on the main effects that the technological revolution has been projecting on labour relations, especially in the Spanish labour market, characterized, as it is known, by its high unemployment level. From a quantitative perspective, the study points out the negative effects that the proliferation of new technologies may have on employment in our country. This is mainly due to the fact that our labour market has not yet recovered from the last economic recession and to the significant deficits in digital skills of Spanish population. From a qualitative perspective, the study analyzes the impact that the well- known effects of job polarization and the transformation of the classic figures of employer and worker can have on the Spanish model of labour relations. Lastly, the study devotes a final part to highlight the important social protection challenges that technological unemployment will pose. To this end, some of the best-known proposals in this area (basic income for citizenship, reduction of working time and robots taxation or social contribution) are critically analyzed and concrete measures for legislative action are suggested.

Author Biography

  • David Montoya Medina, Universidad de Alicante

    Profesor Titular. Universidad de Alicante (España). [email protected]


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Vol. 1 N.º 2 (1): 2020

How to Cite

Labour market crisis and social protection challenges in the new technological era. Special reference to the Spanish case. (2021). Revista Ibérica Do Direito, 1(2), 9-18.

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