Sensitive Data, Technologies and Covid-19 and the Law


  • Vicência Sarkis Universidade de Lisboa


Technology, sensitive data, Covid-19, States and health


Many describe technological development as a revolution in society. But what good is the use of electronic means if they serve the interests of large companies or just to provide fun content on social networks? The develop- ment of technological means should also have human health as a priority, not only in pandemic times, but as a rule in everyday life. Identifying disruptions and weaknesses in the health system is paramount in order to achieve public health. The technology should enable and streamline the practices in health units among professionals and also favor access to users. The duty to care for sensitive data is of relevant importance, as this data cannot be accessible to unauthorized persons, which could result in a loss of users’ privacy. People’s rights and freedoms cannot be threatened in this way. Personal data that are part of the health economy, which we can call sensitive data, cannot be treated as other data because they need greater privacy and security. Covid-19, which affected the whole of humanity this year, proved that it is necessary to work collaboratively at an international level to restore public health, with States and the whole of society in a joint effort, being the technological means useful at this moment to try continue “normal” activities, which may be suspended. Col- laboration between states is paramount not only for research into the Covid-19 vaccine but also, after its discovery, to avoid selfish attitudes that would cause greater inequality between nations.

Author Biography

  • Vicência Sarkis, Universidade de Lisboa

    Advogada, mestr e em Direito da Empresa pela Faculdade de Direito da Univer- sidade de Lisboa, mestranda em História do Direito na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa. E-mail: [email protected]


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Vol. 1 N.º 2 (1): 2020

How to Cite

Sensitive Data, Technologies and Covid-19 and the Law. (2021). Revista Ibérica Do Direito, 1(2), 136-148.

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