Africa in the face of international criminal justice: relations under the sign of ambivalence


  • Catherine Maia Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal


international crimes, international criminal justice, International Criminal Court, Africa, African Union


The development of international criminal justice has been accompanied by the creation of different models of tribunals aimed at consolidating the principle of international criminal responsibility of individuals for international crimes. In Africa, a continent marked by serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, this development has aroused enthusiasm and hope, but also tensions that have led the African Union to accelerate the regionalisation of international criminal repression.

Author Biography

  • Catherine Maia, Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Portugal

    Professora da Universidade Lusófona do Porto (Portugal), professora visitante da Sciences Po Paris (França), consultora.


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How to Cite

Africa in the face of international criminal justice: relations under the sign of ambivalence. (2021). Revista Ibérica Do Direito, 2(1), 73-90.

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