Critical notes on personal testimony by videoconference
personal testimony, videoconference, Code of Civil ProcedureAbstract
The article examines the personal testimony by videoconference that makes reference to art. 385, §3, of the brazilian Civil Procedure Code. Although it is compatible with the efficiency pursued by Law nº 13.105/15, personal testimony by videoconference may imply a violation of norms regarding the proper production of the testimony of the party by not observance with the requirements of the deponent’s isolation and the spontaneity of the responses that this offer to the questions asked. When providing for the impossibility of the party that has not yet given its testimony to watch the testimony of the other party and, also, the prohibition that, in providing its testimony, the party should use previously prepared writings that do not fit in the notion of brief notes intended to complement clarifications, the Civil Procedure Code intended that the evidential activity should not stray from its scope. The writing aims to test a hypothesis that if the personal testimony by videoconference is not provided at the forum of county, judicial section or subsection where the part of process resides, it will be immune to any consistent control of its production, thus making the result obtained by the development of the evidence activity fragile. Regarding the problem approach related to the location of the provision of personal testimony by videoconference, thus, the research adopts the hypothetical-deductive method. As for the objective, it is exploratory and explanatory. By the techniques employed, it is bibliographic and documentary.
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