A Aceleração da Tecnologia e Implicações Jurídicas.


  • Vicência Sarkis Fdul


Law, technology, emojis, telework and Covid-19


The law is the fruit of social life. Since this is guided by the use of technological means in almost all areas of daily life, then the law needs to go hand in hand with technology. The method followed results from the analysis of the impacts of technology on law, based on the bibliographic survey of books, scientific articles and news sites, also reaching the field of political science. The text is divided into four parts, the first being an approach to law with technology; in the second, sentences and emojis; the third part, on Twitter and #BlackLivesMatter and finally on Covid-19, all with links and implications with the law. However, the goal is to make an analysis of technological means in the doctrine of law, which has a matrix value to ease the understanding of the main issues on the proposed theme. It is intended to know the current evolution of law related to the evolution of technology, associated with the current legislative formation, particularly the aims that the law proposes to protect and the necessary agility. It will also seek to analyze the means that were used to combat Pandemic Covid-19 related to telework and the legal implications. Depending on the breadth and dignity of the subject, the advantages and vulnerabilities of cyberspace for teleworking against Covid.19 will be addressed, representing such a legal challenge.


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How to Cite

A Aceleração da Tecnologia e Implicações Jurídicas. (2021). Revista Ibérica Do Direito, 2(1), 259-273. https://revistaibericadodireito.pt/index.php/capa/article/view/18

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